Resource Library

Empowerment for Life

Disabled Asians Claim Their Rights

Author : Prabhudas, Y.

Publisher: Asian People with Disability Alliance (APDA) and Association of Blind Asians and Millennium Disability Agency

Place of Publish: UK

Year: 2003

Page Numbers: 22

Acc. No: 3839

Class No: 362.1 EMP-SA

Category: Books & Reports

Subjects: Social Problems and Services

Type of Resource: Monograph

Languages: English

This booklet focuses on the obstacles faced by disabled Asians, both in their own communities and in society at large. It contains a summery or the Disability Discrimination Act and the rights it gives disabled people, a summary of the European Human Rights Act, a description of the barriers faced by Asian disabled people and how they can be overcome and Asian disabled people’s and carers’ stories.