Resource Library

Lanka Monthly Digest (LMD)

A Question of Subsidies

Author : Amila Balasuriya

Publisher: Media Services (Pvt.) Ltd

Place of Publish: Sri Lanka, Colombo

Year: 2015

Page Numbers: 191

Series: 15-Feb

Acc. No: 406-J

Category: Journals

Subjects: Adult Education

Languages: English

Balasuriya explores the effects of state-sponsored subsidies on Sri Lanka,s agriculture and environment. In 2013, the fertilizer subsidy was reduced due to concerns related to the overuse of chemical fertilisers. The Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA) carried out a study to determine whether the reduction in the subsidy would cause a drop in fertiliser usage and what repercussions and effects it would result in. Balasuriya analyses the results of this study and makes valuable conclusions about the use of subsidy schemes.