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MAPA-PROJECT A Practical Guide to Integrated Project Planning And Evaluation

Author : Schiefer, U., and Döbel, R.

Publisher: Open Society Institute

Year: 2001

Page Numbers: ISBN: 963 7316 96 5

Acc. No: 664-S

Category: Soft Documents

Type of Resource: Participatory project planning, Evaluation, Strategic planning, Project cycle

Languages: No

ISBN: English

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This handbook is intended to guide for workshop participants who have gathered experience in facilitation and in the MAPA-PROJECT process. It is intended as a book for use, not as a book for reading. For ease of use, the book has been divided into three parts: PART I (this part), which gives an overview of the book and the complete MAPA-PROJECT process; PART II, which acts as a step-by-step guide through the particular procedures of project planning and evaluation; and PART III, which contains all the specific techniques used in the "standard" and "fast-track" workshops for planning and evaluation, as well as the recommended formats for project and evaluation documents. Compiling all the techniques and document formats in Part III leaves the sequence of steps uncluttered by repetitive technical details and allows the user of the handbook to easily access the specific techniques whenever necessary.