Resource Library

Politics Trumps Economics

Lessons and Experiences on Competition and Regulatory Regimes from Developing Countries

Author : Mehta, Pradeep and Agarwal, Manish et al.

Publisher: CUTS International

Place of Publish: India, Jaipur

Year: 2007

Page Numbers: 40

Acc. No: 2913

Class No: 339 MEH

Category: Books & Reports

Subjects: Macroeconomics

Type of Resource: Monograph

Languages: English

ISBN: 978-81-8257-087-0

Since economic liberalization began in the 1980s and 1990s, there have been considerable policy changes in developing countries. Many of them have shifted from an economic paradigm of a welfare state through command and control measures, to ones that have placed increased reliance on market forces. Most of these developing countries have adopted regulatory laws in several sectors and opened up for private players, which was hitherto reserved for the public sector only. This upsurge in interest in competition and regulatory laws reflects the substantial changes that have been taking place in their economic governance systems. This volume provides an overview of the lessons and experiences gained on competition and regulatory regimes from developing countries.